Nowadays you have to stay aware of the fraudulent activities on the online platforms. So, like other accounts, if you have an AOL account then you might encounter email frauds and these frauds involve the email offenses. The most common and recurring frauds online are commonly of personal information scams or email phishing with malicious content activities. These scams involve the use of the email message that appears to come on-screen and prompt you to “Update” and “Verify”. If you have the AOL Mail Login account and you are one of those who are struggling with this issue then we recommend you go through this article.
Remove suspicious activity
From a desktop or mobile browser, sign in and visit the Recent activity page. Depending on how you access your account, there can be up to 3 sections. If you see something you don't recognize, click Sign out or Remove next to it, then immediately change your password.
• Recent activity - Devices or browsers that recently signed in.
• Apps connected to your account - Apps you've given permission to access your info.
• Recent account changes - Shows the last 3 password changes. Click show all to see all changes.
IP addresses in Recent activity
Your IP address is your location online and each session should start with the same few sets of numbers. Click any recent activity entry to view its IP address as well as the date and time it was collected. If one is drastically different from the others, remove it and change your password. Be aware that there are some legitimate reasons why your history can show unfamiliar locations, such as your mobile device detecting the wrong location or Internet provider using a proxy server.
Regards, Bruce