Sometimes, while using your Cash App card, you might face some problems and hurdles. In such a case, it would be wise to get in touch with the professionals or you must also be aware of how Can I Call Sutton Bank For Cash App in a proper manner.
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Sutton Bank issues the Cash Card. Sutton Bank does not issue or support Square Cash App, which is a product of Square, Inc. If funds are available, your Cash Card account is loaded with funds from your Cash App when you use your card in making purchases or ATM withdrawals. At all other times, your Cash Card account has a zero ($0) balance.
Your Cash App transaction history is NOT accessible through our Online Banking service, as your Cash App account is not held with Sutton Bank. All information pertaining to your account, as well as balance and other functionality you need is available through your Cash App.
Please note that we cannot assist you in linking your Cash App card or account to another card, account or app. Please contact Cash App support for assistance. This functionality may also be available through your app, but it is not possible to enroll in Sutton Bank's online banking.
Cash App is one of the banks that are linked to Cash App account to provide their Cash App card. Hence there is no direct option for Cash App users to get in touch with the team and call Sutton Bank for Sutton Bank and Cash App account numbers and routing numbers.
There is no need to connect with Sutton Bank number as it does not provide any service to Cash App users directly, so if you have any questions or want to ask anything please contact Cash App Support at 800-969-1940 or 855- Call 351. 2274.
Rachel Gomez